Format Display - Overlays - Advanced Tab

Setting additional display options for wireframes.

Format Display: Advanced

To access this dialog:

  • In the Format Display dialog's Overlays tab, Overlay Objects group, select a strings overlay, select the Advanced tab on the right.

This tab is used to specify how string overlay data that falls within the secondary clipping zones is formatted; to specify first string points and selected strings point scaling options.

Field Details:

Secondary Clipping:

Front: format options for data falling within the front secondary clipping zone

    • Style/Width/Color: select a line style, line width and a fixed color for the data.

    • Legend: alternatively, select a legend and associated data column to color the data.

    • Filled: fill perimeters with the color or texture defined in the legend.

    • Hide values not in legend: select this option to hide data that does not fall within a legend item or range.

Back: format options for data falling within the back secondary clipping zone

    • Style/Width/Color: select a line style, line width and a fixed color for the data.

    • Legend: alternatively, select a legend and associated data column to color the data.

    • Filled: fill perimeters with the color or texture defined in the legend.

    • Hide values not in legend: select this option to hide data that does not fall within a legend item or range.

Symbol Size Adjustment:

  • First: select a scale option for the first string points from the dropdown:

    note.gif (1017 bytes)

    Use this field to ensure that the first vertex of a string is represented by a larger symbol than normal. Note that the 'first' vertex is determined by the direction of the string. By default, the first vertex of a string is double the size of the remaining vertices (that is, it is scaled x 2).

    • [No Adjustment] - no adjustment will be made i.e. all string nodes will be displayed with the same symbol size

    • [Set] - define a specific symbol size

    • [Scale] - scale the first point to be proportionally larger than the remaining nodes.

  • By: define a scale factor/size.

  • Selected Strings: select a scale option for selected string points. Selected strings are by default highlighted yellow when they are selected. 

    • [No Adjustment] - no adjustment will be made i.e. all string nodes will be displayed with the same symbol size

    • [Set] - define a specific symbol size

    • [Scale] - scale the first point to be proportionally larger than the remaining nodes.

    • Using this option, you can force all nodes on selected string(s) to be either [Set] to a particular size or set to a particular [Scale]. As above, you can also elect for [No Adjustment].

  • By: define a scale factor/size.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


The Format Display dialog
Formatting Object Overlays